Aga's Jewellery

Aga's Jewellery

Thursday, 6 September 2012

September, just be good to me

 A nostalgic necklace with the Eiffel Tower, a coral rose and Swarovski crystals. Price - 15 €.

Romantic earrings with birds and black Swarovski hearts. Price - 12 €.

 A bracelet made of a grey braid, Swarovski crystal, an openwork hear and a wing. Price - 13 €.

 A ring made of black and clear Swarovski crystals. Price - 13 €.

 Say 'good bye' to summer! A bracelet made of a lava starfish, white and red coral, turquoise and black lava. Price - 15 €.

 Colour your life! A funny necklace made of a palette studded with crystals and red Swarovski pices. Price - 10 €.

 Music earrings with black notes and Swarovski crystals. Price - 10 €.

An elegant bracelet made of pearls and a chain tassel. Price - 7 €.

1 comment:

  1. Very beautiful jewellery. I'm into this nostalgic necklace, I love that kinda pices.
